1 Pick 4 Items for $129
2 Pick 5 Items for $161
3 Pick 6 Items for $193
4 Pick 7 Items for $225
5 Pick 8 Items for $258
6 Pick 9 Items for $290
7 Pick 10 Items for $304
8 Pick 11 Items for $335
9 Pick 12 Items for $365
10 Pick 13 Items for $396
11 Pick 14 Items for $426
12 Pick 15 Items for $456
A 6 lbs Ground Beef
B 6 lbs Ground Beef Patties
C 5 lbs Beef for Stewing
D 7 lbs Regular Style Pork Ribs
E 9 lbs Pork Loin Chops (Bone-in)
F 7 lbs Any Flavor of Pork Sausage
G 1.75 lbs Steak Tips
H 1.25 lbs Delmonico Steak
I 4 lbs Top Round Steak
J 4 lbs Rump Steak
K 4.5 lbs Bottom Round Roast
L 4 lbs Top Round Roast
M 5 lbs Smoked Bacon
N 6.5 lbs Boneless Chicken Breast
O 13 lbs Bone-in Chicken Thighs
P 24 lbs Chicken Leg 1/4's
Q 12 lbs Fresh Pork Shoulder

Pick the package you want to the left, then pick the appropriate letters from the right. No changes to the list and only 2 of the same letter can be used from the list.

These packages should be called in ahead of time. Please DO NOT email or facebook orders in to help make the packages go smoother.